March Madness: 141 Homes Furnished – findedmonton

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March held may exciting events including the Find Retail + Donation Centre's 8th anniversary and the Edmonton Home and Garden Show, but the the thing we are most excited about is that we were able to furnish 141 homes in the month of March! 


Our amazing Housing First teams have been working tirelessly to house as many people as possible and within the month, we were able to help 222 people (150 Adults and 72 kids) start their new journeys in their new homes. 


With your donations, Edmonton, we were able to give families and individuals a safe, comfortable environment for them to give them a new start. Whether you donated a couch, a dinning set, art, books or pots and pans, we cannot thank you enough for your support in helping these amazing people on their new, hopeful journey. 


If you have something you would like to donate, please contact us at 780 988 1717 or go to our online donation form


Together, we can do this, Edmonton! We can end and prevent homelessness.


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