The Trucking Crew – findedmonton

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We wanted to take a second to spot light some of our team members who are doing such a fantastic job day in and day out. This team works tirelessly to not only get people into their new spaces with furniture to help make it more comfortable, but they also work doing pick ups from our donors and deliveries for our customers into their days. 

The Find trucking crew plays a massive role in our daily operations and we wanted to take an opportunity to showcase what really goes in to being on this team. 

They start their day with phone calls to our Housing Workers, customers and donors to make sure everything is on schedule and ready for the day. 

From there, they move to the warehouse where, as a team, they pack up the trucks with all the housing first furniture picks for the day to get them ready for delivery. Each truck takes between 3-4 Housing First deliveries a day. The morning is spent getting clients into their new space with their furniture and all the items they need to help make a house a home! Not only do they deliver the items, they help bring them in to the homes and get them set up.

The team helps get beds, tables and even cribs (when needed) set up in the space before they leave and make sure the client has what they need to get their place set up. 

They get to meet a lot of really wonderful people through Housing First and be a part of their new housing journey. 

We get to hear a lot of really wonderful and heart warming stories from the team about the people they meet and just how important what they do is to our clients. Not every delivery is sunshine and roses, but they take the good with the bad and they never complain explaining that they know that this is not an easy experience for everyone to go through. They see first hand the traumas and anxiety some people face moving into their new space and help them every step of the way.

This team's job is not only physically demanding (lugging heavy dressers and tables up multiple flights of stairs, on and off the trucks, etc), but can also be very emotional at times.

This team is strong, compassionate, empathetic and just all around a really wonderful group of people. They have fun, they work hard and they take pride in ending homelessness in Edmonton.

Even on the hard days they come back with the most positive attitudes because they know they are making a different with everything they do.

Thank you for all the amazing work you do every day Antonio, Ian, Darren B., Darren G., Jesse, Jose, Misha, Thomas, Kyle, Nico and Brandon! 

Find is what we are because of great people like you. 

We appreciate you! 


Pictured: Jose, Darren, Mischa, Kyle, Ian, Jesse, Darren and Brandon. 


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