2020 marks the 24th year of the Raising The Roof toque campaign and Find is very excited to be taking part with our friends Homeward Trust to raise money for a really wonderful charity here in Edmonton called The C.H.E.W. Project.
What is Raising The Roof?
Raising the Roof provides national leadership on long-term solutions to homelessness and works towards a day when all Canadians have access to a safe and stable home, with the support to achieve their potential.
Every year they do a 3 month long campaign where they sell toques and other cool items with proceeds going towards the national campaign and a local charity, all focused on ending homelessness.
This year, the Edmonton charity of choice is called The CHEW Project.
The CHEW Project works with youth and focuses on reducing homelessness, suicide, substance use, and mental health concerns by providing a safe space and services particular to the needs of LGBTQ2S+ youth and young adults.
How Can You Help?
Buy a Raising The Roof item or make a donation to the campaign.
This year, we will have toques, hats and face masks available for purchase in store. Each item is $15 and we will be selling these items in store from December to February while supplies last.
You can also purchase online from Raising The Roof here.