Meet Jasi, Manager of The Find Boutique on Jasper – findedmonton

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Jasi has been the manager of the Find Boutique on Jasper for the past 2 years. 

Let's take a minute to learn a little more about her. 


What's your name?
Jasi Aujla

What’s your role at Find?
Manager at the Boutique

What drove you to work at Find?
Knowing the facts about this great organization – the mission statement – ending chronic homelessness - What a feat!

Why is ending homelessness important to you?
I personally believe we have the ability to resolve this unfortunate situation of homelessness here in Canada. Our social structure, morals and humanitarian beliefs as a nation are one of the best in the world. There are many educational programs and multiple services which are fantastic if we all utilize them correctly. That being said, we can benefit from communities coming together and integrate programs and housings endeavors. We as a nation, must also come together and get more government/private funding to abolish this situation. This is a actually doable task. We as human beings have the right to food, water, clothing and shelter. There are also mental health issues that we need to address, and better foster the care of these individuals. With a stroke of a paintbrush we have labeled and placed individuals in harms way by not having proper housing and programming for mental health. As a humanitarian, the first and foremost statement for myself is, we are all born equal and life’s circumstances may change us. But we have the power to better ourselves and help others to their true potential.

What are you most excited about in your role?
I love talking to people and educating them about “FIND” on who we are, what we do, and how each and every individual can make a difference in ending homelessness.

Why is this your favorite item in the store today?
This wooden statue just resonates with me, as it is so powerful to be deep in thought - and how simply and peacefully things can be conquered.
“Where there is a will there is a way”

What this piece of art also depicts for me is: ponder on what is truly meaningful, absorb and transform your thoughts to a better you. Just slow down, breathe and learn something new everyday to nurture your soul.


The Find Boutique on Jasper is a treasure hunters haven with tons of really great, unique pieces that are curated specifically with our customers in mind. Jasi comes to the donation centre multiple times a week to seek out items that customers have requested or items that she thinks would be a great fit for our customers. 

The Find Boutique on Jasper gets shipments twice a week and there are always fun, new items in store. There is something for everyone. 

Our regular operating hours are Monday through Friday from 10am to 6pm and Saturdays from 10am to 5pm. We are also now open Sundays for the summer from 12pm-4pm. That is 7 days for the best thrifting in town!

Haven't been to the Find Boutique on Jasper yet? What are you waiting for? Jasi and her team are excited to meet you!


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