Are you interested in giving your time in a meaningful way?
Homeless Connect is a day of caring for those experiencing homelessness and those at risk of experiencing homelessness.
On October 6th, over 70 service providers and 300+ volunteers will gather at the Edmonton Convention Centre to help over 2500 people access much needed services free of charge. Services include a hot meal, hair cuts, foot care, dental, optometry, clothing and so much more.
Not only does Find house the Homeless Connect essentials throughout the year, we also have the privilege of helping to coordinate the clothing drive, and help coordinate the delivery of the food to the venue.
We are proud partners of this incredible event.
Homeless Connect is a beautiful experience for human connection.The staff, guests and volunteers bring so much care and joy to each other. It's amazing how much love and empathy you can find in one place.
If you would like to volunteer, please go to and sign up today!