Furniture Donations Needed ASAP! – findedmonton

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Hey folks!

We are looking at the books and we don't have too many furniture donations coming in over the next few weeks.

We really need specific items for Housing First in order to help our clients create a new, safe space to call home.

If you have any of the following, please drop off at 5120 122 Street around the back of the building from 9am-5pm Monday through Friday or 10am-5pm Saturdays. If you need a free furniture pick up, please call our team at 780 988 1717 to schedule.

1. Couches
2. Love seats
3. Coffee Tables
4. Apartment sized coffee table and chairs
5. Chairs
6. Dressers
7. TV Stands
8. Bedside tables
9. Pots & Pans
10. Plates & cutlery

Please consider donating today. Every item helps families and individuals transitioning out of homelessness and saves a life.


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