Yesterday was spent as a team learning and growing together and celebrating some major milestones.
Find is honored to congratulate Ian Young on 5 years of service with a glass feather. Feathers are given as service awards because they are a powerful symbol of connection and honor in Indigenous cultures. We are so grateful for the dedication Ian has shown throughout the years and appreciate all that he does for Find.
We were also able to celebrate many 1 year Findaversaries yesterday. Congrats to Darren B., Brandon S., Brandon M., Liz H., Jesse F. and Adam W. for your service.
We are so proud of the team at Find and we are grateful to support our most vulnerable friends together as we work towards our goal of ending chronic homelessness in Edmonton.
Feather presentation: Allan Purves, Director of Operations for Homeward Trust Holdings Company and Ian Young, Logistics Supervisor
Jacket presentation: Allan Purves, Director of Operations HTHC, Darren, Brandon, Brandon, and Liz.