Find Trucks Have A New Look! – findedmonton

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Have you spotted one of the snazzy, newly wrapped Find trucks in the wild?

If you have, you've seen our team of dedicated drivers & swampers who are either delivering cleaned and inspected donations of furniture & home goods to individuals & families who are moving out of homelessness & into their new HOME, or they are off to pick up the incredible donations that our community is so generously donating!
Find furnishes between 6-14 HOMES per day with community donations, so they are constantly on the move!
"Hi Find team!
I just wanted to say I was so impressed with how professional & polite the team was. Will definitely be recommending to everyone I know!" - a generous donor
Every time you see a Find truck on the streets you know someone's life is about to change.

Make sure to snap a pic and tag us on socials (@FindYEG) when you see a Find truck rolling by to make a difference in our community!



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