Each year, Digital Alberta, who support, connect and promote the digital community in Alberta, hosts the annual Ember Awards which celebrate digital excellence from individuals and organizations across Alberta.
The awards categories feature the best work in the province in Web Design, Development & UX, Marketing & E-commerce, Gaming, Education & E-learning, Software & Devices and Art & Content. Over 35 awards are given out in these categories.
The sold-out event featured students, creatives, political leaders, and business execs from across the province who were there to support and cheer each other on.
Thanks to our friends at Makespace Group & Novus Design Group and the beautiful design they did for www.findedmonton.com, we were chosen as the recipient in the Arts & Culture/Nonprofit category.
We are so excited to be working with Makespace and cannot wait to show you the fun, fresh design work and ad campaigns we are brewing up for 2019!
Keep your eyes peeled!
Congrats to everyone who worked so hard on our new website! We are so excited about this award!