Donation Drive - HUGE Success! – findedmonton

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THANK YOU, Edmonton!

This weekend was an absolute success!

You helped us CRUSH our goal of filling 3 trucks with donations and we were able to fill 5.5 trucks! Amazing!

We also raised $400 for C.H.E.W. Project who offer front line service provision, resources and education for LGBTQ2SA+ youth and young adults facing barrier between 14 -29 years of age through the dunk tank & BBQ where we served over 1000 hot dogs!

We are absolutely blown away by the community support! You've helped a lot of people find a place to call home and we could not be more grateful for you choosing Find to trust your donations with.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for your support!

Also, a special shout out to our sponsors and friends who came out to make the day a huge success!

Now, let's house some more folks!


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