Find; A Year in Review – findedmonton

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As we wind down for the holidays, we have taken some time to reflect on the amazing year we have had at Find. 

Celebrations of store birthdays, donation drives, staff anniversaries, housing numbers each month and the community initiatives we are able to take part in throughout the year are top of mind. We are so grateful to be part of such an amazing community that brings hope, love and compassion to those who need it the most. 

This morning we were excited to celebrate as a team the amount of people housed throughout the year through the housing first program. 

In December, we were lucky enough to furnish 82 homes for 130 people in just 14 days. It is really an incredible feeling to know that 91 adults and 47 kids will be in a home for the holiday season. Not to mention, everyone else that has been housed this year. 

Our amazing housing first worker, Diane, was gracious enough to tally the year's number for us and we are so proud to announce that in 2018 we furnished 1407 homes and 2160 people through the housing first program. This has been our biggest year yet! But we're not done!!

A huge thank you goes out to all of you who have donated over the past year for us to be able to give our clients the best possible start in their new homes. We wouldn't exist without the kindness and generosity of the community and for that we are so grateful. 

On behalf of our staff and volunteers, we wish you a great, safe holiday season!

See you in 2019, Edmonton! 


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